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Ineligible for bounties

If you are ineligible for bounties, we'll let you know.
Instead of assigning you to an issue, we'll send you to this page.

Common reasons for being ineligible

We put out bounties for issues so that we can move faster than if we solved all issues on our own.
To achieve efficiency, we exclude contributors from being eligible for bounties that:

  • pick an issue that is not up to their skill
  • give no status updates for a extended period of time
  • rely too much on AI for their solution
  • submit untested or buggy solutions
  • in our opinion, don't enable us to move faster

Why am I ineligible?

It doesn't mean you did a bad job.
We aim to pay fair amounts for bounties, but are also more selective.

This means you could become ineligible even though your solution was legitimate.

As AI-generated submissions unfortunately ramp up, we need to liberally exclude people - even if we get it sometimes wrong.

Because the goal of bounties is to accelerate the development of Remotion, there is no recourse and we cannot provide specific feedback.

How to proceed?

You are not banned from contributing to Remotion.
If you still want to work on the issue, you can comment again!

Otherwise, you don't need to do anything - another person can pick up the issue.